Y/n, please think about it again. Talk with jungkook. " y/n smiled at her shaking her head "No Emily. I have made up my mind. And don't worry about Jungkook, he wouldn't oppose me. I am sure he will be happy after having this precious gem. " 11 She said caressing her tummy as Emily sighed in sadness and handed her papers. Taking a deep breath y/n signed the papers. "Don't tell anyone about this. No one means no one, not even Andrew. Promise me. "Heaving out a heavy sigh Emily nodded as she was helpless even if she tried she knew she had no say in this matter. It's her own decision and even after Emily's so much pursuing she's still taking this step and Emily can't say anything in their matters except to advise like a professional doctor. Emily knew y/n love for Jungkook was indescribable. Even after all the cold treatment and unloved attitude, he had given her. She still loves him more than anything. Jeon Jungkook had a childhood fiance. He was in love with her even when he was just a child. He always thought of her as his wife and loved her more than

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